Monday, August 2, 2010

Eating in Strasbourg

Where to begin?

As Caroline mentioned, we had a great time in Strasbourg.  While we were there, I managed to pretty much eat myself through the city, so here is a quick summary of what we ate.

Our first night was Caroline's birthday, so we went to dinner at a nice place on the main square and I made an attempt at the local specialty, chocroute, which is just French for Sauerkraut.  My chocroute was also topped with 8 different kinds of meat, which are plainly visible above.  There were 4 different kinds of sausage, a chunk of bacon and three other pork products of various sorts.  You will be glad to know that responsible Peter showed up for the evening and did not try to finish the entire plate.  Caroline's meal (in the background) was no less delicious.  It was a really well done chicken in cream sauce (not to be mistaken with team cream sauce).  To top it all off, we were entertained by a number of the terrible street performers of Strasbourg, including the guy below.  Caroline and I have established that despite its charm, Strasbourgeois street performers are far and away the worst we have ever encountered.  After this saxophone guy, we were serenaded by a young man with a recorder and a girl with a flute all over the course of one meal.

I digress.  Later in the trip, we ate the following masterpiece for lunch.  It is a spaetzle mac & cheese with gruyere and mushrooms.  Very good stuff.

Anyway, I'm going to bed, so I'll write more later this week.  This is our first week of language classes, we are going to see George Clinton on Wednesday, and we have friends in town for the weekend, so I am sure there will be lots to write about.

Bonne nuit.